2025 Serial Bridges 劇集開發培訓工作坊 2025 Serial Bridges Series Development Workshop
壹、工作坊簡介 Call for Projects
2025年「Serial Bridges 國際劇集開發培訓工作坊」開始徵件了!本工作坊將招收 6 組來自台灣及亞洲的團隊,其中三個團隊將由一位台灣製片人和一位台灣編劇組成,另外三個團隊則由一位台灣成員,和一位來自其他亞洲地區的成員組成。工作坊將歷時8個月、共4個階段。此計畫由台灣文策院(TAICCA)與Series Mania Institute共同合作,第一部分將於2025年3月在Series Mania Forum的創意市集(Creative Bazaar)上舉行,計畫將於2025年11月在台北的台灣內容創意大會(TCCF)結束。
第一階段將在2025年3月實體舉辦於法國里爾Series Mania 劇集展的「Creative Bazaar人才培育週」,Series Mania舉辦的各個駐村及工作坊皆將在此期間舉辦,可以和來自世界各地的編劇及製片交流;亦可參與大師講堂、交流活動,近身與國際知名劇集統籌(Showrunner)交流。工作坊結束後可參與Series Mania市場展。我們將於本階段邀請國際劇本導師,透過團體討論、個別諮詢,給予編劇及劇集開發策略建議。
第四階段將於2025年11月的「TCCF 創意內容大會」期間於台北舉行,並將舉辦一場公開提案會,向參與TCCF的平台代表、買家、投資人等提案,也可自由安排洽商會議、參與交流活動。在此階段,我們將持續與劇本導師進行個別諮詢,並提供提案方法及提案演練相關課程,提升團隊公開提案的效益。
本工作坊由文化內容策進院與法國里爾劇集展人才培育計畫 Series Mania Institute共同規劃。法國里爾劇集市場展Series Mania Forum 為歐洲專門針對國際劇集的主要市場展之一,每年於三月舉辦,參與者包含國際平台、製作人、投資人,設立國際合製提案場、故事轉譯提案場,以及相關人才培育計劃提案專場等,並有論壇及產業交流時間,連結來自世界各國的提案,促進國際產業共識及合製機會。「Series Mania Institute」為 Series Mania 旗下的人才培育計劃,除了展會期間的「Creative Bazaar 人才培育週」之外,全年度有各式針對產業人士的長期人才培育計劃,以駐村、工作坊、碩士學程等形式,培養國際劇集人才。
The second edition of Serial Bridges is now open for applications. Serial Bridges is designed for producer-writer duos based in Asia with a series project in development. The second edition of Serial Bridges is now open for applications. Six projects will be selected:
- Three of them composed of a Taiwanese producer and a Taiwanese writer,
- three with one member from Taiwan and one member from one of the eligible Asian territories.
The course is divided into 4 different workshops across 8 months. The program is a partnership between TAICCA and the Series Mania Institute and its first part is taking place as part of the Creative Bazaar at the Series Mania Forum in March, 2025, while coming to an end during the Taiwan Creative Content Fest (TCCF) in Taipei in November, 2025. The objective of Serial Bridges is to facilitate series development and to create ties between Asia and Europe to foster international co-productions.
In the first 4-day workshop taking place in Lille during the Creative Bazaar, teams will learn storytelling techniques mentored by professional scriptwriters based in Europe. At the Creative Bazaar, participants will meet other fellow creatives from the Series Mania Institute's residency programs and the Writers' Campus. They will also have the opportunity to meet renowned showrunners and producers during masterclasses and networking events.
During the second and third workshops, the Mentors will be following up on each project through individual meetings. Asian and European production experts will guide participants through funding schemes and opportunities in both regions.
In November, the last 5-day workshop will take place in Taipei during the Taiwan Creative Content Fest (TCCF), ending in a public pitch session at the event. In addition to Mentors supervising each project through meetings and group sessions, pitching experts will also prepare participants for the final pitch in front of an international industry audience.
貳、徵件對象 Eligibility
三組台灣製片與編劇、及三組分別來自台灣,及來自其他亞洲地區(包含緬甸、汶萊、柬埔寨、印尼、日本、韓國、寮國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡、泰國、東帝汶、越南),且持有開發中劇集企劃案之製作人及編劇。A total of 6 series projects in development will be selected with:
- 3 projects featuring producer and writer teams based in Taiwan,
- 3 projects featuring producer and writer teams with one member based in Taiwan and one member based in one of the eligible territories (Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam). - 申請人應具有產業相關經驗(含劇集、長片等)。
Applicants should have proven experience in the industry (series, feature films). - 無國際合製經驗者亦可申請。
No previous international co-production experience is required. - 工作坊將全程以英文進行。
Working language: English. - 所有申請文件應以英文繳交。
Application documents should be in English. - 每位製作人限入選一案(編劇不限)。
Only one project per producer will be selected.
參、工作坊費用 Fees
- 主辦單位將負擔入選團隊法國里爾(自 3/21至 3/28之工作坊及Series Mania Forum期間)及台北之住宿費用。
The organization will cover accommodation expenses during the Series Mania Forum in Lille (March 21-28) and in Taipei. - 入選團隊需自行負擔往返法國里爾及台北之交通費用。
Flights and transportation to Lille and Taipei are at the participant's expense. - 實體工作坊期間之午餐由主辦單位提供,其餘個人消費及餐費須由團隊自行負擔。
Meals outside of the Creative Bazaar & TCCF and other personal costs are at the participant's expense. - 主辦單位將提供參與者 Series Mania Forum 及 TCCF 之展證。
Series Mania Forum and TCCF accreditations are provided.
肆、報名方式及應繳交文件 Application Guidelines
企劃案(pitch deck)應包含以下資料:
- 作品名稱及logline
- 劇集基本資料,包含預計規格、欲探討之主題、劇集調性及風格、故事弧線、mood board… 等
- 創作動機(1 頁為限)
- 劇情大綱(以 500 字為限)
- 第一季故事線 (1 頁為限)
-主要角色介紹(每角色上限 200 字) - 製片及編劇履歷(含作品列表)
- 參與動機,需含報名參與 Serial Bridges 之動機及預期參與工作坊對於自身企劃案的幫助(1 頁為限)
- 報名資料需於台灣時間 2024 年 12 月 20 日(五) 23:59 以前繳交
- 請將所有資料合併為單一 PDF 檔案並提交至報名連結:https://application.taicca.tw/serialbridges2025
To apply for Serial Bridges, please submit the following documents (in English):
A pitch deck of your project including the following elements:
- Working title and logline
- Series pitch (including format, themes, setting, tone and style, story arc and mood board)
- Writer's note of intent (1 page max.)
- Synopsis (500 words max.)
- Storyline of the first season (1 page max.)
- Main characters description (max. 200 words per character) - Profiles of the producer and writer (including filmography)
- Motivation/cover letter explaining your motivations to participate in Serial Bridges and how the program could help you develop your project (1 page max.)
- All application materials must be submitted before December 20, 2024 at 23:59 (GMT+8).
- Submit all information in one single PDF file to: https://application.taicca.tw/serialbridges2025
伍、相關時程表 Program Schedule
- 報名期間:台灣時間即日起至 2024 年 12 月 20 日(五)23:59 截止。正式公告入選名單:主辦單位將主動聯繫獲入選團隊,未入選者將不再個別通知。
- 第一階段:2025 年 3 月 21 日至 3 月 28 日
- 第二階段:2025 年 6 月,共 3 個全天(線上)。
- 第三階段:2025 年 9 月,共 3 個全天(線上)。
- 第四階段:2025 年 11 月初(將配合 TCCF 時間辦理),本階段將於 TCCF 期間進行公開提案。
- Application deadline: December 20, 2024 at 23:59 (GMT+8). Notification of selection will be sent via email.
- Workshop 1 in Lille: Series Mania: March 21-28, 2025
- Workshop 2: a 3-day online workshop in June, 2025
- Workshop 3: a 3-day online workshop in September, 2025
- Workshop 4 in Taipei: Early November during the Taiwan Creative Content Fest.
- Public pitch session: Between November 5 and November 8, 2025. Exact dates to be communicated and confirmed later.
陸、名額 Number of Selected Projects
本工作坊預計招收 6 組企劃案。
A total of 6 projects will be selected.
柒、連絡方式 Contact
文策學院:02-2745-8186 分機 723
電子郵件:[email protected]
PHONE: (+886) 2-2745-8186 *723
EMAIL: [email protected]
捌、注意事項 Notes
- 本課程全程為英語進行,課程未提供翻譯。
All workshops will be conducted in English. - 主辦單位保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利。
The organizer reserves the right to make final modifications, changes, interpretations, and cancel the event.