

文策學院 (TAICCA SCHOOL) 旨在培育具有產業前瞻性、能因應跨域整合趨勢與國際產業鍊需求的關鍵人才。規劃大師講堂、工作坊及文化創業加速器等課程及計畫,協助內容開發,連結創作者與經營者互動網絡,增加業者跨域合作機會及內容開發案的市場競爭力。同時,文策學院也規劃線上課程,擴大教學資源,打造沒有界線的文化內容學習空間。課程類型包含:

  • 創業經營類: 規劃「文化創業加速器」(原:文化新創加速器)、「創業輔導 Online Video」等專案,優化文化內容業者及新創事業的經營能力,建立文化新創交流網絡,健全產業生態系。
  • 提案培訓類:針對預備參與國際市場展/提案大會,或希望找尋異業及資金媒合之主創團隊,邀請領域專家分享不同市場的趨勢及提案要領,強化主創團隊的提案力。
  • 內容開發製作類:課程目標為協助文化內容開發產製,媒合國內外產業資源,強化內容開發案的故事力。

TAICCA SCHOOL offers training programs favorable to the development of key cross-industry talents with a vision of international market trends in the cultural content industry. Through masterclasses, workshops and a comprehensive accelerator program dedicated to start-up companies in the cultural content industry, TAICCA SCHOOL connects creators and producers/ operators to facilitate cross-industry collaborations and to optimize international competitiveness of content development projects. Meanwhile, online courses on operation and governance create a borderless space for learning. Three types of programs are available in the framework of TAICCA School:

  • TAICCA Accelerator & Business Development:Online video courses and TAICCA Accelerator Program offer entrepreneurial skills courses for start-ups to the objective of creating a start-up community and strengthening industry ecosystem.  
  • Pitch Training Program:Pitch training program is addressed to teams whose projects are participating in international market events. Industry experts are invited to share market trends and their experiences in pitching. 
  • Creative Content Development Program:Creative content development programs aim at supporting projects in development and in production, matching international industrial resources, and enhancing storytelling.