EMERGE華語原創內容開發計畫-電影長片 EMERGE 2.0: Chinese-language Feature Film Lab

2023-12-08 14:00 加入 Google 行事曆

EMERGE 華語原創內容開發計畫-電影長片
SFC x TAICCA x Imagine Entertainment x Sixty percent

報名日期:2023年12月8日至2024年1月14日 23:59 止
Submission starts from Dec. 8th, 2023 to 23:59(GMT+8) Jan. 14th, 2024.

壹、關於《EMERGE 華語原創內容開發計畫》
About EMERGE 2.0: Chinese-language Feature Film Lab

《EMERGE華語原創內容開發計畫-電影長片》將聚焦於長片項目,並將攜手新加坡電影委員會(Singapore Film Commission, SFC)合作。 《EMERGE華語原創內容開發計畫-電影長片》以好萊塢前期開發的產業架構下,將與具有商業潛力的華語原創內容與編劇人才共同合作開發長片項目,並尋求後續國際資金投資並進入製作的機會。
本計畫預計選出6位(組)編劇或導演的長片提案,與好萊塢開發總監、製作人、專業顧問進行為期12週之劇本前期開發,開發完成之提案將由Imagine Entertainment及 Sixty Percent Productions積極對接國際買家與投資方,尋求國際資金進入製作。

《EMERGE 2.0: Chinese-language Feature Film Lab》is dedicated to feature film projects and is collaborating with the Singapore Film Commission (SFC). 
Following Hollywood's creative development framework, EMERGE 2.0 works with Chinese-language original content and talented writers with commercial potential to jointly develop their feature films. The initiative aims to seek subsequent international funding and opportunities for production.
The program will select six screenwriters or directors (or writing teams) for feature film pitches to undergo an intensive 12-week development program with Hollywood creative executives, producers, and consultants. Upon completion of the development phase, Imagine Entertainment and Sixty Percent Productions will actively connect with international buyers and investors, seeking international funding for production.

貳、計畫名稱 Program Title

《EMERGE華語原創內容開發計畫- 電影長片》
EMERGE 2.0: Chinese-language Feature Film Lab

參、相關簡介 Introduction

一、合作單位簡介 Companies

Imagine Entertainment

Imagine最近與Amazon Studios達成了多年獨家電影協議,並憑藉14 項提名攻進今年的艾美獎,其作品包括《Judy Blume Forever》、《Fire Island(熱戀彩虹島)》、《The Other Two(大哥大姐沒出息)》 、《The Ms. Pat Show》、《Bono & The Edge: A Sort Of Homecoming With Dave Letterman》、《My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman and Volodymyr Zelenskyy》、《A Black Lady Sketch Show(姊妹站起來)》、 《 Light & Magic(光影與魔法)》和《艾蜜莉在巴黎》。 
該公司最近發布的內容包括 Apple TV+ 喜劇片《The Beanie Bubble(公仔鍊金術)》,以及紀錄影集《The Super Models(超模傳奇)》。 其即將發布的項目包括:Prime Video 上的艾迪墨菲(Eddie Murphy) 強檔喜劇《Candy Cane Lane(拐杖糖巷)》、Apple TV+ 紀錄片影集《The Dynasty: New England Patriots》,以及一部關於布偶創作者吉姆漢森(Jim Henson) 的未命名紀錄片。

Recently closing an exclusive multiyear first-look film deal with Amazon Studios, Imagine is heading into this year’s Emmys with 14 nominations for projects including Judy Blume Forever, Fire Island, The Other Two, The Ms. Pat Show, Bono & The Edge: A Sort Of Homecoming With Dave Letterman, My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, A Black Lady Sketch Show, Light & Magic, and Emily in Paris.

Recent releases from the company include the Apple TV+ dramedy The Beanie Bubble and the docuseries The Super Models, made for the same streamer. Among its projects coming up from release are the Eddie Murphy holiday comedy Candy Cane Lane on Prime Video, Apple TV+ docuseries The Dynasty: New England Patriots, and an untitled doc on Muppets creator Jim Henson.

Sixty Percent Productions(陸匠製作)

由劉傑良及嚴嘉念成立,開發與製作亞洲優質劇集和電影,與亞洲、歐美的優秀編導及製作團隊合作,為全球觀眾開發亞洲在地故事及高品質內容,影視類型橫跨動作、科幻、犯罪、驚悚、紀錄片等,透過新一代亞洲創作人才的觀點,演繹普世價值的故事。2021年製作的《台灣犯罪故事 TAIWAN CRIME STORIES》,於2023上半年在Disney+ 上架,也在58屆金鐘獎獲得優秀的成績。

Sixty Percent Production is a development and production house for premium Asian series and film content founded by Kit Low and Cora Yim. Through close collaboration with the best-in-class storytellers and craftsmen from the East and West,  their mission is to develop local Asian narratives and create high-quality productions of different genres from action, sci-fi, crime, thriller, fantasy, and documentary. They aim to tell universal stories through the lens and voices of young and talented Asians, sharing human inspirations and virtues that resonate with people worldwide. Their recent production, “Taiwan Crime Stories”, ​​produced in 2021 and released on Disney+ in early 2023, has received multiple nominations and wins at the 58th Golden Bell Awards.

新加坡電影委員會(Singapore Film Commission, SFC)

新加坡電影委員會(SFC) 隸屬於資訊通信媒體發展局 (IMDA)。我們通過培養高端影視人才及國際化製作能力來發展新加坡影視工業。自 1998 成立至今,委員會已支助800 多個項目,包括短片、電影攝製,劇本創作,及相關宣傳活動。

The Singapore Film Commission (SFC), part of the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), champions the growth of the Singapore’s film industry by nurturing a local pool of talent with the capability to produce quality international content. It is advised by a committee comprising members from the film, arts and cultural community. Since 1998, the SFC has supported more than 800 short films, scripts, feature films, as well as film-related events in Singapore that showcase homegrown talent and works.

二、開發團隊統籌簡介 Instructors

蔡月蓉 Janice Chua(Imagine Entertainment)

蔡月蓉為 Imagine International 副總裁,管理亞洲各地語言內容開發及製作,過去曾任 Ivanhoe Pictures 亞洲開發暨製作副總裁,亦擔任《瘋狂亞洲富豪》製片之一。

Janice Chua is a global film and tv executive producing for Imagine Entertainment. She has launched Taiwan Crime Stories during her time as VP of International at Imagine with CalFilms and Six Percent Productions. Before that, she was VP of Ivanhoe Pictures and served as one of the producers of Crazy Rich Asians. 

嚴嘉念 Cora Yim(Sixty Percent Productions)

嚴嘉念是Sixty Percent共同創辦人及首席內容長,資深華語電影電視製片人,擁有多年影視幕後製作及發行經驗,曾任職於香港兩大電影娛樂集團寰亞傳媒和嘉禾娛樂,致力推動電影行業內容革新及優質華語內容在全球市場的發展。亦曾效力福斯傳媒集團,負責亞洲區內原創節目亦在任內籌劃、監製及制作多部電視電影作品。致力培養本地優秀製作人材並提供平台與機會創作優秀的華語影視作品。
2022年與好萊塢製作公司Imagine Entertainment及台灣文策院舉辦EMERGE華語原創內容開發計劃,孵育具有商業潛力的原創華語內容及編劇人才。最新作品包括2023年Disney+原創影集《台灣犯罪故事》、獲得HAF大獎的香港電影《紅綿路》,及在金馬60的FPP創投獲得Catchplay國際注目獎的《黑白清道夫》影集項目。

Co-founder and CCO of Sixty Percent Productions and a veteran in Chinese Film & TV, Cora Yim worked in a few major studios including Fox Networks Group, Media Asia, and Golden Harvest Entertainment.  Her recent works include “Taiwan Crime Stories” a TV series co-produced with Imagine Entertainment and Calfilms for Disney+ which garnered awards and recognition internationally. EMERGE program with TAICCA and Imagine Entertainment and the 2023 HAF winning film project  “The Marriage Drive”.   In the recent 60th Golden Horse FPP, her upcoming TV series project “The Fixers” garnered the Catchplay International Spotlight Award.

三、客座顧問 Guest Speakers 

朗霍華 - 導演  Ron Howard on directing
Sukee Chew - 製作、開發和人才管理 Sukee Chew on producing, development and talent management
特雷·卡拉韋 - 分解大綱和劇本寫作 Trey Callaway on breaking down outline and writing
曾國祥和許月珍 - 分享入圍奧斯卡之旅 Derek Tsang and Jojo Hui to talk about journey to Oscars

肆、報名資格 Who Can Apply

  1. 可個人或組報名,每組最多 2 人,其中 1 人需為編劇。
    Not more than 2 participants per project, and it is mandatory to have a writer.
  2. 以台灣或新加坡籍報名者為優先。
    Taiwan-Singapore premise is allowed.
  3. 如從新加坡申請,需領有新加坡身分證(若為 2 人一組,其中 1 人需符合前述資格);如從台灣申請,需領有台灣身分證(若為 2 人一組,其中 1 人需符合前述資格)。
    At least one participant has to be a Singaporean national (when submitting from Singapore) or Taiwanese national (when submitting from Taiwan).
  4. 如申請項目已有製作公司,請在報名時註明。
    If the submitted project is attached to a production company, please flag it upon submission.
  5. 新加坡申請者:可以以英文企劃書報名,但請注意參與本計畫需要具備中文能力。最終劇本可以用英文寫作,對白部分為中文。
    For Singaporeans: Submissions can be written in English, but note that Chinese proficiency is needed for program participation. The eventual script can be written in English with dialogues in Chinese.

伍、錄取人數 Acceptance

6 人(組),每組不超過 2 人為限。
6 individuals (writing teams), with each team limited to a maximum of 2 people.

陸、計畫期程、規劃與目標 Timeline, Syllabus and Delivery

一、期程 Timeline
開發計畫全長共 12 週,期間將提供編劇開發費用,每人(組) USD 15000 元(匯率依合約約定)。
The program spans a total of 12 weeks, during which the script development fee will be provided at USD 15,000 per individual or group (exchange rate as per contract agreement).

二、規劃 Syllabus
Fellows must be prepared to attend in-person classes in Singapore for a week, and in Taiwan for 3 weeks.

Week 1 - 2
CLASS: Character, Themes and treatment
Week 3 - 5
Outline / Scriptment

Week 6 - 8

Script stage
Week 8 -10
Pitch rehearsal and Practice Pitch fest
Deck creation
Week 11
Polish / Refinement
Week 12

*The current schedule is tentative, and in the event of public holidays, it will be adjusted accordingly, subject to actual circumstances.

本開發計畫目標完成一份中英文提案企劃(pitch deck),內容包含:
Fellows should deliver a Chinese-English bilingual pitch deck and a first draft script, including:

  1. Logline
  2. 類型調性(genre and tone)
  3. 長綱(treatment)
  4. 人物小傳(character biographies)
  5. 完整劇本(1st draft script)

*Note: The copyright distribution for the six completed pitches under this program will be specified in the contract details, subject to further discussion upon selection. 

柒、報名及聯繫方式 Submission

   一、本活動採線上報名,2023年12月8日至2024年1月14日 23:59 止
         Submission is online only, which starts from Dec. 8th, 2023 to 23:59(GMT+8) Jan. 14th, 2024.

   二、報名連結 Submission Link:https://reurl.cc/E13kKK

Each writing-team should submit ONE PDF file which named as “Writer’s name_Project names.pdf”, the materials include(A)+(B):

(A) 報名繳交素材 Proposal
1. Logline與類型 
   Logline and genre
2. 長片大綱(4-6 頁)
    Feature treatment (8-10 pages)
3. 人物小傳(3頁以內)
    Character bios (2-3 pages)
4. 創作者自述(1頁)
    Creators’ vision / statement (1 page)
5. 劇本作品(不能為短片、電視劇本,可為長片的第一幕)
    Sample script, no shorter than 25 pages (No short films or TV script. Only 1st act of intended feature are acceptable.)
6. 項目市場定位與潛力(2頁以內)
    Project feasibility / Commercial viability (2-3 pages)
7. 1分鐘自我介紹影片(附影片連結)
    1 min video (via link)
8. 報名者自傳與簡歷
    Creators’ biographies and resumes

(B)相關授權文件 Declaration Documents
1. 內容開發作品權利聲明書:團隊成員皆須附同意書,需親簽或蓋章。
   Declaration of the Derivative Work: All the teams should submit with fully-signed.
2. 若為改編作品,請附授權文件或原著改作授權書 
   Copyright License Agreement for Adaptation: Once the project is adapted from existing titles.

捌、評選機制 Evaluation

本計畫分二階段評選 There would be 2 stages evaluation:

階段 Stage

評選機制 Evaluation

預定日期 Date


  1. 資格審查 
    Qualification Review
  2. 由好萊塢初選團隊選出項目,進入複審面試。
    Evaluation by the Hollywood team, and will notify for further interviews.
Beginning of Feb, 2024
Interview by the Hollywood team, and the final selection would be the top 6 cases.
Feb 20th, 2024

*上述各階段,獲選之申請,將會以 email 通知結果。
*The results of the selected application will be notified via email.

玖、相關資訊洽詢方式 Once you have further questions, please contact:

[email protected]

